This is part one of two on our trip to the beach.
We had fun in the sun for nearly the whole week, with only Saturday where there was a bit of a shower.
My entire family rented a beach house together- all my siblings and family. It was wonderful as we were only two blocks from the beach where we could walk each day.

A Much Needed Vacation-Boogie Boardin’ and the Beach
We took a fair amount of photos, and I needed a few days rest after the 12 hour drive home and all of the activity we did.
I am calling this Part 1 of the trip to Avalon, and if you want to see more, stop by Friday. I will be posting some pictures as well on IG and Stories.
My sister and niece followed us to the house in Avalon, and the first day is just getting settled in and having a bite to eat. Out of all of the days we were there, the day we arrived it rained a bit., and the rest of the time the sun shined.
There was a nice ocean breeze, so it didn’t quite feel like the NC beaches and heat I am used to, but I did nevertheless get some sun.
I alternated between reading, laying out a bit ( using 50 SPF and a hat) and going in the ocean to Boogie Board with my brother and sister in law. I feel such a connection with water, my mom says I was a “water baby” and have always loved it.
Stepping foot into the ocean, was like walking into ice water, but once submearged, it was rather refreshing!
There is a sense of freedom for me in/on the water, and my sister in law, thought I did a great job of riding in the waves. There is nothing like catching the break and riding the wave into the shore. Several times I rode it in and ended up under the life guards chair! That was a blast! It was funny though, as I was riding in on the boogie board, many older kids were lined up using it in shallower waters, I thought i might knock one down like a bowling pin, as I roared in.
Another time, I rode the wave in and we dubbed it, “Rock burn” which is like a brush burn against your legs except you graze over rocks and shells.
I got a small taste of why people love to surf.
The House
We cooked out several meals for dinner, making use of the grill and our hearty appetites after spending the day at the Beach. My brothers and hubby grilled salmon, burgers, hot dogs, corn, and had delicious sides. There was a steady stream of wine and beer as we all brought bottles to the house, as we have varying tastes. Hubby, myself and the pups had the downstairs suite, which worked out great!

A Few Firsts for Me
Well, this was my first time going on vacation for the 4th of July. Let’s just say it was busy! But it really calmed down quite a bit after Monday.
It was my first time being at a beach for the 4th of July fireworks. As a kid, I used to cry over the big booms. I felt for my 3 year old sweet little nephew, Aedan, as he told his dad, “I want to go home.” Later, he sat on my sisters lap and was fascinated by the pink and green lights.
My girlfriend has a several paddleboards and has plans to try it with me this summer. I have wanted to try it for awhile.
It was the first time I ever kayaked, and I went with my sister. I do like to challenge myself, yet, with my shoulder problems and muscle issues, kayaking left me more sore than paddle boarding.

The beautiful Bay where we did the water sports . A few large boats whizzed past me and I thought the wake was going to knock me over! ( it didn’t)